一套50 shades of grey就紅遍全世界,究竟加上了性愛題材的電影是否特別吸引? 說到性+電影,總不能不提及AV,它特別受男生歡迎,但很多人對它們的了解僅流於表面,亦忽略了它們對兩性的意義及影響。糖不甩決定讓大家了解更多「性+電影」的魔力。名額有限, 立即報名!
Many people’s sexual desire actually comes from… Movie! Today, we will take you to a tour to the world of sex and film. Do you know why people are so obsessed with any movie that has sexual element, especially AV and porn? Can them tell something about you and let you more understand yourself?
* The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese. 工作坊以廣東話進行。
Date 日期: 2rd MAY, 2015 (Saturday) 2015年5月2日 (星期六) Time 時間: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Venue 地點: 1/F Broadway Cinematheque, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei 油麻地百老匯電影中心一樓 Fee 費用: Free 全免
嘉賓講者 Guest Speaker: Vera from Sally's Toy
Fee 費用: Free 全免 Online Application From 網上報名表格: http://goo.gl/0VhBRu